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Label for a Charcoal Drawing
6.15.20 | old art with new labels no. 3

Diane Jones, 15
Backyard, 1976
Charcoal on Paper
7 1/4" x 9 3/4" (18.41 cm x 24.76 cm)
Portfolio piece for college entrance.
A detailed memory.
Observation from life.
Copious childhood hours were spent in the woods on the back property of the artist’s family home. Solitude, a welcome respite. Summer daydreaming, swinging on vines, and catching salamanders for coffee tin terrariums filled the soul to last the long winter months. Jones’s art teacher encouraged the teen to explore, yet again, the 50 acres of forest, this time with charcoal and paper in hand. The point of view is low, near the meandering stream, with a father-made bridge crossing o’er. Lean in, for whispers of birds chirping and insects buzzing.
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